RCVS announces 4% fee increase

9th March 2023
Industry News

The RCVS has announced plans to raise its fees, including those for annual registration renewal, by 4% for the 2023-24 financial year.

Officials said vets will receive notification of the new charges soon, after the planned increase was approved by the Privy Council on 2 March.

The measure will increase the standard annual renewal fee for vets practising in the UK, which should be paid on or before 1 April, by £15 to £379.

Higher fee

A higher fee of £414 will be applied during May, with vets who have not paid by 31 May being removed from the register.

The equivalent renewal fee for RVNs is due to rise by £3 to £77, and should be paid on or before 1 November.

RCVS chief executive Lizzie Lockett said: “We are proud that all throughout the pandemic period – when we know that many were struggling – we managed to keep our fees at the same level in the 2020-21, 2021-22, and 2022-23 fee years.”

Impact on costs

Miss Lockett added: “The increase that we proposed to the Privy Council is very modest – particularly in comparison to the overall levels of inflation that the British economy has experienced over the past year, which has had an impact on our costs.

“While we appreciate that any rise in fee levels will not be welcomed by everyone, we can assure all members of the professions that we are continuing to use our income prudently, and with oversight from our audit and risk, and finance and resources committees.”

The full list of fees is available online.


Credit to:  RCVS announces 4% fee increase (Vet Times)

Vet Times. (2023).  RCVS announces 4% fee increase [online]

Available at: https://www.vettimes.co.uk/news/rcvs-announces-4-fee-increase/